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  WS DaqServer™


WS DaqServer™ is at the core of WebSCADA’s automation solutions. Based on the latest Internet technologies, WebSCADA’s WS DaqServer has been designed with an innovative and scalable architecture that allows us to provide high-performance and true Internet operations for our clients.

Incorporating the latest Internet and database technologies, WebSCADA developed its own proprietary real-time database system, WS DaqServer, for online automation applications. WS DaqServer acquires real-time production data at full resolution, while seamlessly incorporating non-real-time, manual and delayed data. WS Historian obtains data from WS DaqServer and presents detailed, real-time information in a graphical form to operators and business decision makers.

WS DaqServer operates "behind the scenes" and is maintained by WebSCADA. This is one of benefits that WebSCADA delivers to its clients - Use the technology but not to maintain SCADA hardware and software systems.


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